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Tourist Accommodation in Raipur

Raipur is located in the fertile plains of Middle India. The city is the capital of the newly founded state of Chhattisgarh, which has been carved out of Madhya Pradesh. The region in and around Raipur is popularly known as the rice bowl of India. Famous for its wild life, history, nature and tribal cultures, Raipur is an important tourist destination of Chhattisgarh. The city is bordered by River Mahandi on the eastern side and the Maikal hills border the north west of the city. With the development of tourism, the number of hotels in Raipur has gone up considerably over the years. Hence tourist accommodation in Raipur is easily available. The city is well connected by roads, railways and airways to all the major cities in India.

You need the right kind of tourist accommodation in Raipur to enjoy your visit to the fullest. Raipur hotels are categorized mainly into luxury hotels, standard hotels, budget hotels and discount hotels. You also have the option of choosing from some lodges. The city has a 5star hotel as well. Also, some of the beautiful palaces of the erstwhile maharajas (kings) of the region are available for accommodation in Raipur and promise royal services and facilities to guests.

The facilities and amenities provided are at par with some of the best in the country. Majority of hotels in Raipur have provisions for online booking and reservation. The hotels are well equipped to provide you a comfortable stay. Single, double, triple and family accommodations are available in most of the hotels.

Hotel Babylon International is the only 5star hotel in the region. The services provided here are comparable to any of the leading 5star hotels in the country. Some other popular luxury hotels in the city are Hotel Golden Tulip, Hotel celebration and Hotel Chidambara International. Hotel Mayura is one of the oldest and most popular 3star hotels in Raipur. Another 3star hotel in the city is Hotel Mabhuban. Hotel Piccadilly is a 4star hotel. Some budget hotels are Hotel Aditya, Hotel Mid town and Hotel Sutlej.

3 star hotels:

  • Hotel Mayura
  • Hotel Midtown

    1 star hotel:

  • Hotel Allnear

    Unrated hotels:

  • Hotel Celebration
  • Hotel Chhattisgarh
  • Aditya Hotel And Restaurant
  • Ashoka Hotel
  • Aum Krishna Hotel
  • Dilbahar Hotel
  • Gouri Hotel
  • Hotel Ajanta
  • Hotel Amantran

  • Tourist Accommodations in Raipur
  • Tourist Attractions in Raipur
  • Tourist Destinations in Raipur
  • Tourist Guide in Raipur
  • Tourist Information on Raipur
  • Tourist Sites Near Raipur

  • provides you with information on Tourist accommodation in Raipur and other tourist places in India.